Graham Urwin - Chief Executive
Graham Urwin
Graham is Chief Executive of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, one of the largest and most complex integrated care systems in England.
He has a finance background in both local government and the NHS. He has worked at local, regional and national level and across both commissioning and provider organisations.
Having been a Finance Director in both Primary Care and NHS Trusts, his first CEO role was at South Birmingham Primary Care Trust, progressing to run Stoke-on-Trent Primary Care Trust for seven years.
In 2019 he became the Regional Director of Performance and Improvement for NHS England & Improvement in the North West, a role with responsibility for system leadership and oversight of NHS Commissioners and Providers in the North West region.
Graham was the Regional Incident Director throughout the North West’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year will mark Graham’s 40th year in public service.