NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) refers to a package of ongoing care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS where the individual has been assessed and found to have a 'primary health need' as set out in the National Framework.
NHS Continuing Healthcare can be provided in a variety of settings, such as in your own home or a care home.
Who is eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare?
NHS Continuing Healthcare is provided to an individual aged 18 or over to meet needs that have arisen because of a disability, accident, or illness and who have been found to have a ‘primary health need’.
You will be assessed by a team of health and social care professionals against a set criteria. This will include:
• what help you need
• how complex your needs are?
• how intense your needs can be?
• how unpredictable they are, including the risks to your health if the right care was not provided at the right time
Your eligibility will depend on your assessed needs and not on any diagnosis or condition you have.
NHS Continuing Healthcare policies and procedures
Commissioning Policy
All-Age Continuing Care Commissioning Policy
Exceptional Circumstances Procedure
All-Age Continuing Care Exceptional Circumstances Procedure
Previously Unassessed Periods of Care
Procedure for Dealing with Previously Unassessed Periods of Care
Local Resolution Procedure
Local Resolution Procedure
Transition Procedure
Transition from Children’s and Young People’s Continuing Care to Adult Continuing Healthcare Procedure
Personal Health Budget and Integrated Budget Policy
Personal Health Budget (PHB) and Integrated Budget Policy