Long COVID Service

Due to a significant drop in referrals and the expected loss of the ring-fenced national funding, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside has taken the difficult decision to no longer commission the current local hub based Long Covid Services, with the services closing from 1 April 2025.

This means that referrals are no longer able to be made into these Long Covid Hub Services.

We understand that this may cause concern to those who use and provide the service. Over the coming months, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside will be undertaking a review to identify and agree the best way of supporting people with Long Covid to ensure they continue to receive the appropriate care and support in the future.

In the meantime, patients who need Long Covid support will be referred to other existing services relevant to their clinical need. We will be developing local directories of services with each of our nine Places, which will support GPs to identify suitable alternative services for referral.

Patients who are currently under the care of a Long Covid service will be reviewed and contacted by their clinicians and where appropriate will be discharged or have their care transferred to an equally clinically appropriate service.