Quality cataract care for patients across Cheshire and beyond
Friday, 10 January 2025

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) is providing more rapid and essential care to patients with cataracts across Cheshire thanks to its dedicated patient pathways.
The Trust offers three pathways to support patients – YAG capsulotomy, Cataract Fast-track and Cataract Complex. This ensures the Trust works closely with community optometrists and patients to provide the best possible care in just a few weeks.
The Trust is also able to deliver referral to surgery in three weeks or less if patients can attend.
Among the patients to benefit from the Trust’s ophthalmology service is Brenda Davies from Willaston near Crewe.
Brenda had cataract surgery to both eyes and she and her husband Frank were very impressed with the care, both the quality and the speed, particularly as they were able to choose appointment times convenient to them.
Frank said:
“When we went to our optometrist, she came out to say that she had cataracts and would need surgery. I have private healthcare and we did consider that route, but Brenda said she would rather use the NHS.
“After the optometrist appointment, we received a text message asking us to complete an online form. Following this we had a telephone appointment, followed by a face-to-face at the eye clinic at Leighton Hospital.
“A week later she had an operation on the first eye, then four weeks after that she went back for an operation for the second eye. What pleased us the most was how quick everything was. It took about six to seven weeks in total.
“Having the surgery has meant a lot to her as previously she couldn’t recognise one person from another. Her vision has improved considerable.”
Meanwhile, the Cheshire and Merseyside Surgical Centre at the Victoria Infirmary in Northwich is due to open in spring 2025. It will have two theatres with ophthalmology one of the services being offered.
In fact, the Trust’s ambition is that the new centre will become a cataract centre of excellence, providing eye care for the people across the region. This will mean there will be fewer people waiting for eye surgery across the region, as well as greatly improving patient care.
Visit MCFT's Ophthalmology (Eye Care Centre) page for further details about the services.