NHS Cheshire and Merseyside December 2024 Blog
Wednesday, 11 December 2024

I recently announced that, following much thought, I have taken the decision to formally retire at the end of June next year.
I am incredibly proud of all that the NHS has achieved and the constant focus on making improvements for the populations we serve.
It has been the most tremendous privilege and honour to have worked with so many dedicated and talented people over the years, and whilst there will always remain challenges to address, there is much to celebrate.
As we look to the future, next year the NHS will be embarking on a new era, with the launch of the NHS 10 Year Plan – which is why I feel the time is right for me to hand the baton over to a new future leader.
Over the coming months I will support the recruitment process for my successor to ensure a seamless transition as a new Chief Executive is appointed.
With Christmas fast approaching, I hope you are all looking forward to the festivities.
This time of year is always particularly busy for the NHS, but there are things we can all do to look after our health and help keep services free for those who need them the most.
Getting the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations if you’re eligible will help protect you and your loved ones, and ordering repeat prescriptions in time will avoid the risk of being caught short during the holidays.
It's also a good idea to make sure your medicines cabinet is stocked up, which will help you to self-care at home, should you or your loved ones become poorly.
Please do look after yourself and those around you, and have a safe and happy Christmas.
Graham Urwin - Chief Executive