Individual Funding Requests (IFR)
The NHS belongs to us all. It exists to:
- Improve our health and well-being
- Support us to keep mentally and physically well
- Help us get better when we are ill
- Stay as well as we can throughout our lifetime especially when we cannot fully recover
To make sure that the NHS can provide the best care for the maximum number of people it is vital that every penny is spent wisely. This means only funding treatments that have been demonstrated to work and where there is also a high likelihood of benefit for as many people as possible and a low likelihood of harm. We always have to bear in mind that carrying out treatment that is not of great health benefit uses up resources that could be spent on really making a difference elsewhere.
We may decide that a treatment or procedure should not be routinely funded because:
- There is only limited or no evidence of its effectiveness (whether it works or not)
- It is considered a low priority for funding, (for example, cosmetic surgery) compared to other treatments (for example, dementia or stroke care).
Individual Funding Request Team
Contact details (clinicians only)
Tel: 01782 916876
If you are a patient and have an enquiry about an IFR application or the process please speak with your clinician in the first instance.