Freedom of Information (FOI)
The Freedom of Information Act gives any person the right to request any information held by a public authority.
The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is to promote openness by public authorities by increasing transparency and accountability and improving decision making.
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside will comply in full with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
The presumption is always that the requested information, where it exists, should be supplied.
A written response should be made to the enquirer within 20 working days.
To make a request under Freedom of Information please email:
Disclosure log
Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act
Publication scheme
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside publication scheme
Model publication scheme
Model publication scheme prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner
Activity and performance
Freedom of Information (FOI) activity reports